Thor Director Kenneth Branagh and stars Chris Hemsworth (Thor) and Tom Hiddleston (Loki) talk about the latest Marvel superhero film in London, ahead of its world premiere in Sydney Australia. The film also stars Sir Anthony Hopkins, Idris Elba, Jamie Alexander, Kat Dennings and Natalie Portman.
The cast and director talk here about bringing the Norse gods of war and mischief to life on the big screen. They talk about the challenges of meeting the high expectations of comic book fans and what it was like to work with the beautiful Natalie Portman. Chris and Tom talk about what Kenneth Branagh is like to work with as a Director and how they transformed themselves into the feuding brothers Thor & Loki.
The stars also talk about how this film was affected by Marvel's much anticipated forthcoming Avengers movie. Thor features alongside franchise favourites Iron man, The Incredible Hulk and Captain America in the superhero team-up adventure. Chris Hemsworth talks about how the knowledge that he would be returning in that film affected his performance. Tom Hiddleston talks about his strongly rumoured return as Loki, as one of the main villains in the Avengers.
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